Support Makes A Difference

Although there is no known cure for enterovirus, participating here to help fund awareness and research efforts is key to discovering breakthroughs that will lead to the development of better diagnostic tests, treatments and ultimately help for other sufferers. 

Take action now to join us in shining light, finding hope in enterovirus.

The Many Ways to Support EVF

We all have different talents and insights that, when are shared, we make the world a better place and possibly change a life or two.  So whether you volunteer to help a neighbor move, or give up expensive coffee for a week and put that money towards a charity, or bring people together to support a grieving friend, you are giving of your talents, time and self to make a difference. 

So say YES to EVF and help us fight one of the most widespread Virus groups UNKNOWN to humankind. 


Here’s how:

Fundraise for EVF: Learn how to use your social networks to raise awareness and money to enterovirus advancements.  Regardless of the amount or method of giving, your support makes a difference in the future of enterovirus research and treatment efforts.  Contact us here

Become an EVF Ambassador: Be an EVF Ambassador in your community.  Only when we raise our voices – both individually and as a group in our communities - can others learn about enterovirus and know of the risks.  Be an EVF Ambassador today.  Apply here.  

Join Our Mailing List: Sign up to receive new research alerts, enterovirus news and EVF updates.  Sign up here.

Donate: Give now and have your funds go directly to fund enterovirus awareness and education.  Every amount makes a difference.  Learn more here on how to.

Other ways to help: There are many ways to support EVF, some at no cost to you.  Here are a few ways others have joined the enterovirus cause:

  • Donate Your birthday:  Rather than presents or gifts this year, let your friends and family know that you are giving your birthday to EVF.  Set a fundraising goal and ask for donations to EVF. And everyone feels like they are making a difference.
  • Create a Challenge:  This is where your creative powers come into play.  So climb a mountain, color your hair or give up expensive coffee for a month and challenge others to follow your lead with their support.   The options for a fundraising challenge are endless and can bring a community together in new, powerful ways.
  • Race for Research:  Whether you like to walk, run, bike, swim, or participate in marathons or triathlons, let exercise be how you participate to raise money for enterovirus awareness and research.
  • Donations In Honor or Memory of: Friends and family can support EVF by honoring or remembering those impacted by enterovirus through donations in their name.  We will notify the person designated without specifying the amount.
  • Get Kids Involved: Let kids pitch in with their talents as well.  From making jewelry or having a bake sale or conducting a car wash, the ways to get involved are limitless.
  • Think BIG:  You can also plan bigger events or parties to raise funds to donate to EVF, like:
    • Garage sales
    • Wine tasting events
    • Tennis or bowling tournament
    • Events underwritten by local businesses
    • Auction or white elephant sale

We are always here to help make your fundraising event a success.  Tell us what you are doing to support enterovirus awareness in your community. 

Legal Information

Tax ID #26-3513934

The Enterovirus Foundation
268 Bush Street, #4044
San Francisco, CA 94104
ph 415-393-9558

Contact Us

For more information or to contact EVF regarding your fundraising plans, please contact us.