To minimize and avoid spreading or catching enterovirus, you should always protect yourself and your children by following some of these steps to stay healthy:

  • Wash hands correctly and frequently, using soap and water for a minimum of 10 seconds before rinsing.  Antibacterial gels and soaps do not eliminate enterovirus so only use soap and water for this purpose.  Please see our Hand Washing kit as well to wash enterovirus out of your community.
  •  Always avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth or open wounds with unwashed hands.
  • Always avoid close contact with others, such as kissing, hugging or the sharing of items where the virus can be transmitted such as cups, eating utensils and toothbrushes. 
  • Always remember to cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, shite sleeve or other item to avoid using your uncovered hands.  Properly dispose of tissues immediately after use and wash hands for additional protection.
  • Frequently clean and disinfect – preferably with Clorox - surfaces where the virus can easily spread, like on toys, door and appliance knobs, handles, container lids and countertops.
  • To minimize the spread of enterovirus, always stay home when sick and keep children out of school or populated areas like church, malls, airports or amusement parks.

Remember, if you think you or your child may have enterovirus, please consult your doctor immediately and take all precautions to avoid spreading the virus through frequent and correct hand washing.